
Search all 076-402X-XXXX mobile numbers

We have 1 phone numbers linked with the 076402 dialling code. According to code data, these numbers are provided by FIO Telecom mobile service provider.

Country: United Kingdom
Company: FIO Telecom
Numbers type: mobile
Mobile prefix: 076402
National prefix: 076-402X-XXXX
International prefix: +44-76-402X-XXXX

Top searched 076402 phone numbers

The most searched 076-402X-XXXX and +44-76-402X-XXXX phone numbers with a lower activity level at the moment but they are still being monitored.

07640241965 has 0 reports in total, searched 11 times


Recent reports:

This call was from a woman claiming to be an "energy assessor" who began the call by asking if I was the property owner. She would not give me the det...

Market Research. Selling your details to companies who will, in turn, bombard you with sales calls. Avoid.

Says you called. I said no. Said no no you called.

Purporting to be British Airways Customer Service

autobot voice and said something about my BRP card, but it hung up just in 7 seconds.

Caller claims to be from Vodafone and wants to sell me a new contract. Asks too many personal detail questions.

apparently I ordered a new iphone and this was the number to call if not ordered!!! Beware

bogus visa call

Bogus visa call

I received a call with a recorded message in a US type voice claiming to be an immigration service that had contacted me numerous times about a docume...

Called me, cut off, then sent text msg that I called it

The caller has sent a group message to all the residents of the Villa community, GRAN VIEWS MEYDAN Dubai, UAE saying that he has a buyer with a budget...

Called and asked I should push 1 to be conneced about packet that was held. I have ordered nothing and for that call to come from a mobile number was...

Recorded announcement from some insurance firm. Unsolicited call now blocked.

keeps phoning annoying

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