Find out who called me from the UK
What is "Who Is Calling You"?
This is a free reverse phone lookup database. Our mission is to help you understand who is behind the unknown calls. It may can help protect you against scams or identify calls that are safe.
What type of calls can you receive?
You can usually get calls from various companies that offer you services or service your existing ones. Sometimes you may also receive calls from government organizations that are interested in you or want to report certain information.
Which calls are the most dangerous?
The most dangerous calls are those that do not belong to any organization. Behind such calls are often scammers who want to extort money from you. This is why it is important to report these types of calls immediately.
Recently searched phone numbers
Recently searched and reported phone numbers belonging to Area codes, Mobile service providers and Non-Geographic in the United Kingdom.
Recent reports:
Received text that I had to pay a road toll today or else I would lose my license.
Don’t scam a scammer
Phone rang lifted phone saying hello multi Times nobody spoke
tried to kill someone
The Toll Roads Notice of Toll Evasion: You have an unpaid toll bill on your account. To avoid late fees, pay within 12 hours or the late fees will be...
Text message from ‘Evri’ saying to click a link to follow a parcel - I’ve ordered nothing so know this to be bs
Claimed to be from Vodafone offering unlimited calls - txt for 7 pounds a month. That's 50% more than I'm paying at the moment
SPAM, oszuści. Próbują wyłudzić pieniądze informując o próbie doręczenia paczki i wejście w link. NIE KLIKAĆ!!! SPAM, scammers. They try to extort mon...
This is a scammer. Trying to get you to authorise a payment that you have not made
Also uses the following numbers 02046010144/45/43/26. 02046010096/64/07/06/0702. 02046143801/02046143800. Up to 4times a day, despite repeated reque...
Unknown number, ignored with no voicemail.
Didn’t answer but phone alerted me of suspected scam
from VVoice, trying to save me money on my BT bill
Said they was ringing from my bank with 2 payments to amazon , its a SCAM
Had two missed calls from this number in two days, obviously they weren’t dialled by mistake. They unintentionally left 2 voicemails with telemarket...
What content does "" provide?
Our page provides information about calls that have caused users questions. People are often confronted with unknown calls, so our goal is to help them get as much information as possible and protect themselves from potential threats.
The page itself provides only basic, publicly available phone number information. All rankings and reports that are provided on the page are generated by our users.
However, any private information is protected by law, so every user who creates content is responsible for it. We will not tolerate any information that violates an individual’s privacy. Content that violates your privacy will be removed immediately. You can read more about this in our Terms of Use and Privacy policy sections.
If you have any questions or would like to report abuse on our site, you can always use our Contact form.