
Search all 076-776X-XXXX mobile numbers

We are unable to find phone numbers associated with 076776 dialing code at this time. According to code data, these numbers are provided by Telency mobile service provider.

Country: United Kingdom
Company: Telency
Numbers type: mobile
Mobile prefix: 076776
National prefix: 076-776X-XXXX
International prefix: +44-76-776X-XXXX


Recent reports:

Threat of cancelling my number.. then repeated in Chinese

Didn't recognise the number. I eventually answered on their third attempt and, as soon as I spoke, the caller hung up. I suspect nuisance call.

Pretending to be the CEO of the company asking for phone numbers to do tasks for them pretending that it is urgent

Asian lady claimed to be from BT

Stated it was from DVSA and I needed to pay a parking fine for a town I’d never visited

Suggested an international transfer on my bank account. Bank check, nothing known.

Simply an unknown number from an area that I have no connection with. Call unanswered.

it sent a text to me stating my phone is unresponsive mum i think this is spam scam

Automated voice, stating that you are in trouble with HMRC, seems like a scam.


Spamming that they are from Dvsa (their spelling) for an overdue parking penalty charge - has a link to put your registration number in.

This is a sacm call pretending to be form a town in Suffolk do not answer and block!!

A lady called and asked for some information. She mentioned that she was a university representative, but her accent was terrible and at a point she c...

Parking fine text requesting my Car Registration! I don't drive!

They sent me a verification code I didn't ask

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