

Landline Blairgowrie, Scotland (United Kingdom)

searches: 12 reports: 1

01250400157 is a Landline phone number located in the United Kingdom. There is few reports saying it may be a "Scam or Fraud" call.

Phone number assigned to 01250 area code.


Reports for 01250400157

Total reports: 1

Fraud call
Call Type: Scam or Fraud

Add a Report for +44 1250 400157

If you receive suspicious or annoying telemarketing calls, share your experience with everyone. The feedback you provide can help others feel safer to answer or protect from potential fraud threats.

Alternative number formats

The phone number can be identified in different formats such as national, E164 - international standard, RFC3966 - URI standard for telephone numbers.

International: +44 1250 400157
National: 01250 400157
E164: +441250400157
RFC3966: tel:+44-1250-400157

Searched in the last 24 hours

Most frequently searched (01250) phone numbers in the past 24 hours.

01250400179 searched 1 times


Recent reports:

Rang saying a payment had come out of my PayPal account for a mobile phone, and directed me to another representative checked my account was ok and it...

As I did not recognise this number I did not answer. Caller display is very helpful. My phone line is registered with the Telephone Preference Service...

Got a call from 01134788001 (UK) but left no message - most probably a telemarketing call from Tap Gateway Ltd (Leeds).

Got a call from 02032992255 (UK) but left no message - most probably a telemarketing call.

Got a call from 0203-3373491 (UK) and left no message - most probably a telemarketing call.

Got a call from 02039627585 (UK) and left no message - most probably a telemarketing call.

Many call without reply or only 1 ring.

scammer wanting a call back - pretending they required your services

Automated voice

Cuts off after one ring. Block the nuisance

What is national telephone number format?

A national telephone number is a single telephone number that allows the routing of calls to different locations within one country. In most cases, a national telephone number consists of 10 digits: a three-digit area code, and a seven-digit subscriber number.
"0" before number is the long distance dialling code within the UK.

What is E164 telephone number format?

When calling a country outside of the United Kingdom, you have to call that country's international access code in order to place an international call.
"+44" is the country calling code assigned to the United Kingdom by the International Telecommunication Union(ITU) E164 standard. Normally known as the international telephone number format.

What is RFC3966 telephone number format?

RFC3966 is a telephone number URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) standard for describing resources identified by telephone numbers.
According to RFC3966 document, resources identified by telephone numbers uses "tel" URI scheme.
E.g. tel:+44-xxx-xxx-xxxx.

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