
Search all 01430-2XXXXX phone numbers

We are unable to find phone numbers associated with 014302 dialing code at this time. According to code data, these numbers are located in North Cave, England.

Country: United Kingdom
Location: North Cave, England
Numbers type: geographic
Area code: 014302
National prefix: 01430-2XXXXX
International prefix: +44-1430-2XXXXX


Recent reports:

Got a text from 44 7466 137722 on a USA phone stating they were the US post office saying they received my package at their warehouse and tried to del...

Phishing text for reg number plate

Number created a WhatsApp group added my 11 year old grandaughter. And she got sent lots of pictures of people she didn't know including children and...

They told me about a discount for paying for a mobile phone Tesco, they forced me to answer yes several times and then they wanted to know my address....

Starlink calling to have conversation regarding a question I had messaged them with

Received a call from 'Chris' with reference to loft insulation, stating that my property had 'come up' on a list having old style loft insulation!, he...

Tried a PayPal scam

Possible spam

Claims to be free EE but does not seem to be likely a scam

Text saying pay a parking charge penalty, warning.

Suspicious HMRC call - automated voice.

Amazon scam robo call

Claimed to be HM revenue and customs. It is a mobile number, so it very obviously isn’t HMRC!

Called but noone spoke

Direct Mediation Services number

Similar dialing codes:

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014304 Type: geographic
Location: North Cave, England
014305 Type: geographic
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014306 Type: geographic
Location: Market Weighton, England