
Search all 01942-XXXXXX phone numbers

We have 81 phone numbers linked with the 01942 dialling code. According to code data, these numbers are located in Wigan, England.

Country: United Kingdom
Location: Wigan, England
Numbers type: geographic
Area code: 01942
National prefix: 01942-XXXXXX
International prefix: +44-1942-XXXXXX

Searched in the last 30 days

Most frequently searched phone numbers in the past month associated with the 01942 dialling code.

01942929572 has 0 reports in total, searched 4 times
01942901395 has 0 reports in total, searched 4 times
01942943702 has 0 reports in total, searched 3 times
01942311201 has 0 reports in total, searched 3 times
01942901396 has 0 reports in total, searched 3 times
01942925281 has 0 reports in total, searched 2 times
01942901394 has 0 reports in total, searched 2 times
01942736414 has 0 reports in total, searched 2 times
01942244000 has 0 reports in total, searched 2 times
01942343473 has 1 reports in total, searched 2 times
01942496844 has 0 reports in total, searched 2 times
01942244031 has 0 reports in total, searched 2 times
01942407360 has 0 reports in total, searched 2 times
01942233105 has 0 reports in total, searched 2 times
01942271827 has 0 reports in total, searched 2 times
01942367001 has 0 reports in total, searched 2 times
01942878204 has 0 reports in total, searched 1 times
01942314331 has 0 reports in total, searched 1 times
01942876873 has 0 reports in total, searched 1 times
01942663100 has 0 reports in total, searched 1 times

Top searched 01942 phone numbers

The most searched 01942-XXXXXX and +44-1942-XXXXXX phone numbers with a lower activity level at the moment but they are still being monitored.

01942901397 has 1 reports in total, searched 57 times
01942314765 has 0 reports in total, searched 51 times
01942510511 has 1 reports in total, searched 22 times
01942866834 has 0 reports in total, searched 20 times
01942912966 has 0 reports in total, searched 20 times
01942943659 has 0 reports in total, searched 19 times
01942700125 has 2 reports in total, searched 18 times
01942665434 has 0 reports in total, searched 17 times
01942363787 has 0 reports in total, searched 16 times
01942255695 has 0 reports in total, searched 16 times
01942386360 has 0 reports in total, searched 16 times
01942517911 has 0 reports in total, searched 15 times
01942363286 has 0 reports in total, searched 13 times
01942415914 has 1 reports in total, searched 13 times
01942225134 has 0 reports in total, searched 12 times
01942204994 has 1 reports in total, searched 11 times
01942386507 has 0 reports in total, searched 11 times
01942807505 has 0 reports in total, searched 11 times
01942833076 has 0 reports in total, searched 10 times
01942215716 has 0 reports in total, searched 10 times


Recent reports:

Very noisy - no one spoke

Pretending to be EE

I called the number back with 141 at the start, to hide my own number. Got a voice message saying it was "compare cover". Never heard of them, nor h...

Pretending to be a bank but not giving a name, saying suspicious payments have been made that they don't recognise

Call received to my elderly father. Man called 'Alan' from EE chatted for several minutes ref problems with signal in general. Call cut out several...

Fake call centre, scam

bank scam" unusual activity on account"

Text to me “Pay your Fast Trak lane tolls by February 21, 2025. To avoid a fine and keep your license, you can pay at:” Gave an e address to send pay...

fake binance

Scam text message. Trying to collect tolls for FastTrack Lane Tolls

Received a text reporting my license suspension for unpaid tolls on FAST Track. I don't even know what that is and it's definitely not in areas I driv...

The owner of this number is send me massage and make a friendship with me than he invited me to join in her dark website and invest money,now he is no...

Text from this number saying " The Toll Roads Notice of Toll Evasion: You have an unpaid toll on your account. To avoid late fees, pay within 12 hours...

Got this phone numbers on “Text”!

Banking scam

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