Search all 029-XXXX-XXXX phone numbers
We have 313 phone numbers linked with the 029 dialling code. According to code data, these numbers are located in Cardiff, Wales.
Searched in the last 30 days
Most frequently searched phone numbers in the past month associated with the 029 dialling code.
Top searched 029 phone numbers
The most searched 029-XXXX-XXXX and +44-29-XXXX-XXXX phone numbers with a lower activity level at the moment but they are still being monitored.
Recent reports:
I received a suspious fraud from this number
Someone ringing to confirm a code on a credit card purchase that we didn't initiate.
Rang saying money had been taken from my account. Went into bank to be told they had been undated with people with the same call
I frequently receive calls from this number but have never answered. I'm unfamiliar with any individuals or businesses in Cardiff.
Automated call telling me I was I had signed up for Amazon Prime and £95 had been charged to my account - 'press 1 if you did not make this request' o...
A.I. or recorded message... energy scam.
Recorded message rambling on about fraudulent payments from a bank account but no account holder named. Blocked and deleted.
AI generated voiced chatbot. Almost passed as a real human! Could be taken for real if recipient is not paying close attention, so obviously high tech...
Rang today to discuss my domestic home insurance. Lady hung up on me when I started asking her questions
Automated message - money has been used on my visa card (£900+) Scam
Silent but maybe recording
Cardiff area number. Asian gentleman claiming to be from Vodafone and speaking extremely quickly, appears to be offering a deal for £30 and wants to k...
Travel Agency called Art of Travel based in Cardiff
Rings often but call cuts off straight away
Is this number SPAM ?