
Search all 076-669X-XXXX mobile numbers

We are unable to find phone numbers associated with 076669 dialing code at this time. According to code data, these numbers are provided by FIO Telecom mobile service provider.

Country: United Kingdom
Company: FIO Telecom
Numbers type: mobile
Mobile prefix: 076669
National prefix: 076-669X-XXXX
International prefix: +44-76-669X-XXXX


Recent reports:

i answered they said my name and i hung up

Krāpnieks, prasa naudu...

Scam!!! Be aware!!!

Unsolicited text

Tried to call but cuts off

Fake binance call centre

Rang off; no return call. Not with O2 so still suspicious.

The lady asked for my daughter by name. When I asked her who was calling, she muffled a name and then the call cut off. Scam? How did she know my daug...

Silent call... but I see from other sites it's energy scammers. Avoid. 175 look ups and 4 comments on other similar website, why none here?

Caller claims to be from Vodafone but doesn’t know the name of the person they want to speak to. When challenged the caller becomes abusive and threat...

Beware, this is a scammer who tempts you to invest in the exchange wallet app with which you can buy Crypto Coins, there is no date to meet, no intere...

Meals on wheels delivery girl

Poss scam

Fcuking pain in the asre these guys call me 2-3 times a day fcuking sick of them calling…. I tell the call handler the same as l told the last call ha...

Calls out of the blue, but cannot be called back. Likely an IP based phone number intended for scams or to see if phone numbers are associated with a...

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