Search all 0330-XXX-XXXX non-geographic phone numbers
We have 973 phone numbers linked with the 0330 dialling code. According to code data, these numbers are Non-Geographic numbers.
Searched in the last 30 days
Most frequently searched phone numbers in the past month associated with the 0330 dialling code.
Top searched 0330 phone numbers
The most searched 0330-XXX-XXXX and +44-330-XXX-XXXX phone numbers with a lower activity level at the moment but they are still being monitored.
Recent reports:
This is a scammer. Trying to get you to authorise a payment that you have not made
Constant pestering from this along with 0330 184 0586, 0330 184 0586, 0330 184 1841, 0330 184 0587, 0330 184 0588, 0330 184 0595.
A man called me from this number and repeatedly asked to confirm my name, up to nine times, and then inquired if I had signed up for a conference, whi...
Think this is a scammer. Had a message saying someone would call me re activity on my Lloyds account. Rang Lloyds not true. Didn't answer, but block...
Recieved a text saying: Parcel Mail Message: Royal Mail parcel cannot be delivered because the outer packaging is damaged and the address inform...
Automated voice after saying a few words left a long pause for an answer but they were talking to my answerphone so didn’t get a response. Then said t...
They call to confirm your name. Please do not say anything before confirming their identity.
Called my wife's number. I answered the phone. She immediately started talking about my crypto wallet. Huge red flag. When trying to call the numbe...
Dwr Cymru/Welsh Water
Answer phone responded, no message left
Called me twice seconds apart, didn't answer any call now blockedf
Caller asked if I had housing issues, I am a home owner, The caller was automated voice (AI) only recognising some key words.
Binance scammer
Meant to be bank Santander but notified bank ,,not their No or person from them ,
Not a genuine esure number. Saying they're esure claims.